Wednesday Writing Tip #04

  My view on stories has evolved over the *censored* years I’ve been working as a script editor. I started out working mostly from intuition and have over the years added experience and various screenwriting theories to my arsenal. One thing that sticks out from those years of experience (okay, …

Wednesday Writing Tip #03

We all like to think we’re geniuses. Natural talents to whom our art comes as natural as breathing. We also all know better. Deep down, anyway. Deep, deep down. Sure, sometimes inspiration strikes and the words just flow and flow, unbidden, unplanned, at annoyingly inconvenient moments. But it is rare …

Wednesday Writing Tip #02

It’s one of those writer axioms: you HAVE to write every day. It’s like brushing your teeth, or showering, or drinking tea. You HAVE to do it every day. Or else you’ll die! Okay, I made that last bit up. So, yeah, write every day. It’s good advice. The only …

Wednesday Writing Tip #01

Yeah, I admit it, I like puns. I’m a punny guy. Sometimes even funny. But pun or no, there is plenty of truth in this analogy. Like sailing across choppy waters, writing is often filled with ups and downs of various kinds. One thing almost sure to send even the …